The Pestle


Ep 108: “Parasite”

June 09, 2020

We latch onto Bong Joon Ho’s “Parasite” and dissect:

  • cinematography;
  • writing & story, setups, payoffs, simple exposition;
  • contextualizing art;
  • and other such stuff and things and stuff.

What makes international cinema so interesting is that each territory has its own sensibility. When you look at an Indian or French film, there’s a certain flavor. And even though the language is different, if the film is successful, it has something very common and understandable. – Wong Kar Wai

Notes & References:
38th Parallel
Wes’ Univ. of Texas video on “Reading Text & Context”

Watch us on YouTube!

Short Spotlight:

“Getting a Grammy” by Derek Milton

This Week’s Recommendations:


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