The Pestle


Ep 11: “Rogue One”

August 29, 2017

In this episode we check out Gareth Edwards’ “Rogue One” and discuss:

  • the cinematography of Rogue One;
  • FX & set design;
  • war;
  • and much more.
  • Wes’s additional thought: I really loved my friend Justin’s thoughts about the lack of character development, but after recording our episode and continuing to chew on this film I do completely agree with him, but war movies aren’t about character development as much as character revealment. In any film you should hope to see characters tested, but particularly in war is where the pressure is turned up to the highest degree and you get to see people’s real character, and I think Rogue One is filled with these moments of revelation and while it may be easier in terms of storytelling I do think it’s just as useful and impacting in the confines of a war movie.

A special effect is a tool, a means of telling a story. A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing.
– George Lucas

This Week’s Recommendations:

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